Macabre Market at Arnos Vale


I recently visited the Macabre Market at Arnos Vale Cemetery in Bristol. It was a great trip to see some really talented artists and makers, in a gorgeous location. It was super exciting to see what brilliant products are being made in and around Bristol.

It was also my first ever visit to Arnos Vale Cemetery. I have no idea why I’ve not made the trip out here before. What a beautiful place. I barely got a chance to explore properly, but even from the little I saw, I want to go back to do it justice.

Hand wearing two slab jewellery gold rings and a wedding band

I accidentally forgot to take any pictures of the stalls available, but it was super popular, and even had a one way system in place to ensure all the visitors could see the stands properly. There were some great homewares from Charlotte Clark Ltd although so popular that I barely got a chance to look!

I bought a super cute rat skeleton patch from Remnant Black who had SO MUCH I wanted! Not sure where it’s going to live just yet, but I can already feel myself wanting to get more patches to go along with it. One isn’t enough.

All in all, it was a brilliant experience by the super talented Viva Los Muertos. I’d love to be involved next year, so fingers crossed ;)

Hannah Royce-Greensill